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Innogestiona, in collaboration with the Regional DG Mobility, Transport and Housing, is working on the identification of needs, priorities, ideas and proposals that will inspire the future Extremadura Sustainable Mobility Plan (PEMS), within the diagnosis phase, as part of a comprehensive participatory process open to all sectors. Innogestiona and TEMA consulting have agreed a temporary joint venture (UTE) for the development of the PEMS.

For this participatory process, Innogestiona Ambiental has organised different  sectoral focus groups, involving territorial agents from the agro-industry, health, education, culture, tourism and social affairs sectors. These agents include the corresponding general directorates, professional associations, institutions and public and private entities most representative of each sector. Participants were able to learn first-hand about the objectives of the PEMS, as well as the different initiatives been launched in the field of sustainable mobility in Extremadura.

María López Gálvez, head of the sustainable mobility section of the Regional DG of Mobility, Transport and Housing, and director of the Extremadura Sustainable Mobility Plan, has explained some of the work already underway and has directly answered to participants questions.

María López highlights the leasons we are learning through “TADEX” (on-demand transport system), which is operating in two pilot lines since mid-February. The system seeks to increase efficiency in public transport services, reduce the economic and environmental impact, and encourage the use of public transport by redesigning routes and stops, with a free call centre for information and advice on the use of the service, app-based.

On the other hand, María introduces big data mobility analysis to be carried out along the project, as a very useful tool to desing the Extremadura Sustainable Mobility Plan, according to real needs and challenges.

Patricia Mora, CEO of Innogestiona Ambiental and focus group facilitator, once introduced seession methodology, requested participantes to provide any useful information about different lines of work, strategic documents and reference experiences that could complement current diagnostic.

Moreover, Innogestiona Ambiental’s technical team participates in these participation process, including meetings with key agents in order to identify urgent issues, specific needs and specific demands that can be addressed through the different lines of action envisaged in the future action plan.

So far, all stakeholders have positively assessed their participation in the  diagnostic process and have offered to collaborate through the implementation of studies, analyses and the collection of specific data on mobility, in sectors such as education, school transport, visits to cultural events and museums, travel to social, health and educational centres, and the implementation of new surveys.

In addition to these focus groups, the participation of all citizens is key to identifying the real needs of the region. For this reason, anyone interested in sharing their opinion can do so through this link:

All suggestions and opinions will be collected in this mailbox and will be taken into account in the development of the work.

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