The Co-fresh project reaches its 18th month with the review of the work carried out in the different work packages, with special attention to work package 1, which presented its results on the analysis of 100+ innovative value chains in Europe. The most relevant 20 cases were presented, according to sustainable oriented innovation criteria, previously developed in the frame of the co-fresh research activities.
What is CO-FRESH?
CO-FRESH is a Horizon 2020 project that works on the (re)design and piloting of European agri-food value chains, from a comprehensive and innovative approach, with the aim of improving economic, social and environmental sustainability through the intelligent integration of technological, social, organisational, managerial and institutional innovations. More info:
International workshop: an innovative business model portfolio
Last week, CO-FRESH project partners participated in a international workshop, where results of the analysis 70+ agri-food value chains -identified by project partners across Europe- were presented. Among these 70 chains, WP1 partners, led by Wageningen University, selected 20 cases of special relevance for the sector. According to sustainability-oriented innovation criteria, these 20 business cases become a portfolio of reference business models for the pilot cases of the Co-fresh project.
18th month ExCo meeting
After the workshop, the executive committee of the project met virtually and face-to-face in Brussels, in order to analyse the status of the different work packages, with a general review of the deliverables that have been already submitted to the European Commission, as well as the main milestones of the project.
Once confirmed that the project is progressing according to plan, work package leaders presented their results, with the focus on the co-creation workshops that will take place in the coming months, which will bring together actors and stakeholders involved in the 7 pilot cases of the project, with the aim of identifying innovations likely to improve the sustainability of each of them.
The executive committee reviewed indicators to monitor and evaluate the evolution of these 7 pilot cases, as well as the exploitation of these results and the different communication and dissemination tasks related to the project.
Innogestiona’s role
Within Co-fresh, Innogestiona is in charge of impact assessment throughout the 4 years of the project, as well as the identification and management of opportunities associated with intellectual property rights and collaboration in communication and dissemination tasks.