The Final Conference of the LIFE LiveAdapt project takes place as a webinar with members of the European Commission and the European Parliament.
29 November 2022, 10:00-13:00
Free webinar, registration required
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What are the challenges and opportunities for extensive livestock farming to continue contributing to biodiversity and food sovereignty in Southern Europe? How can this practice best adapt to climate change? How does it contribute to mitigation? These are some of the questions that will guide the webinar, which will take place on 29 November, from 10:00 to 13:00, organised in the framework of the LIFE LiveAdapt project.
Entitled “Extensive livestock farming: challenges and contributions to biodiversity and climate change adaptation”, the webinar will be an opportunity to hear from two Members of the European Parliament, Maria Eugenia Rodriguez Palop (ES) and Isabel Carvalhais (PT), on their efforts for the recognition of extensive livestock farming as a driver of rural development.
The results of the LIFE LiveAdapt project will be presented and, with the presence of two representatives of the European Commission, from the Directorates-General for Climate and Agriculture, the role of extensive livestock farming in the fulfilment of the European objectives of Biodiversity, Climate and the “Farm2Fork” strategy “From farm to fork” will be discussed.
Innogestiona Ambiental participates in this international event with presentations on efficient and innovative water management and short food supply chains, as solutions for the adaptation of the sector to climate change in the current socio-economic context, by Patricia Mora (CEO of Innogestiona Ambiental) and Louise Méhauden, sociologist of Innogestiona team and expert in short supply chains.
The seminar is organised by the Association for the Defence of the Heritage of Mértola (ADPM), in the framework of the LIFE LiveAdapt project, funded by the LIFE programme of the European Union. The event will take place on the ZOOM platform, in English, participation is free but registration is compulsory, through the following form: .
Extensive livestock production systems contribute to the sustainability and environmental quality of many habitats in Europe by promoting biodiversity, respecting animal welfare and conserving landscape and cultural heritage. They are also a tool to mitigate the effects of climate change, thanks to the important role that grasslands play in sequestering carbon in both vegetation and soil when grazing is properly managed.
Supporting these production systems has a direct contribution to food security and food sovereignty, allowing the creation of high quality products with low use of inputs from outside the territory. Extensive livestock farming plays a fundamental role in the economic revitalisation of rural areas.
For four years, the partners of the LiveAdapt project, funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme, have been working on the valorisation of extensive livestock farming products and testing innovative tools for their adaptation to climate change, in pilot areas in Portugal and Spain.
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For more information:
Innogestiona Ambiental
924 20 75 17