In the frame of the Co-fresh project (Co-creating sustainable and competitive fruits and vegetables’ value chains in Europe), 19 co-created innovations will be implemented and monitored in the 7 pilot cases of the project in order to assess their environmental and socioeconomic repercussions in terms of sustainability.
The innovations are both technological and non-technological (i.e., nutritional, organisational and operational or market-focused) and will follow specific implementation plans that will be evaluated in order to help the agri-food sector unlock their full potential to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability and foster cooperation.
Co-fresh partners, led by CNTA (Spanish National Centre for Agri-food technologies) work together to demonstrate the potential of the innovative agri-food value chains to reduce trade-offs and to boost synergies between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability, which has been addressed through the co-creation process, involving all relevant actors in each value chain.
Indicators and data collected around the final 19 technological, social, organisational and managerial innovations will enable a comprehensive assessment for the socio-economic and environmental sustainability, as well as to the fair distribution of costs, benefits and risks among all actors involved in the agri-food value chains.
Innogestiona, as responsible partner of the monitoring of project impact, works together with all partners to optimise project repercussion and global coherence, so that the project objectives are fulfilled, targeted audiences, forums and policy makers are effectively reached. The project starts one of the most intense phases in terms of activity execution, assessment, communication and dissemination activities, involving all 7 pilot cases and work package leaders for the pilot and monitoring of re-design agri-food value chains (WP3 – CNTA), validation and assessment of pilot cases (WP 4 – CREDA and ACTALIA), and communication and dissemination (WP6 – Hohenheim University).
The Co-fresh project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000852