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EU4Advice project partners met today to share the common methodology and approach to identify public and private Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) Advisors (individuals) from all EU countries + UK + Norway, with the coordination of Innogestiona Ambiental and the University of Hohenheim (Germany).

With the aim of creating a European network of short chain advisors (SFSC Advisors), the University of Hohenheim has developed a specific methodology, as well as a series of resources and tools, to enable partners to address this initial task of identification in a homogeneous way, with the difficulty that this entails in a disparate, complex and very poorly articulated context at both national and European level. Explain that national contexts are very diverse in terms of governance of advisory systems (AKIS) and SFSC ecosystems.

This identification task will be the starting point for the incorporation of these advisors into a European network of SFSC advisors.
Moreover, this identification and mapping task will help to assess and improve the degree of integration of short-chain advisors in AKIS at national or regional/local level.

The outcome of this activity will provide an overview of the situation of short chain advisors in each of the 27 EU Member States, plus the UK and Norway, capturing the main characteristics in each national context.

EU4Advice project

EU4Advice works to create a network of advisors, policy makers, researchers and farmers to contribute to the establishment and effective organisation of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in Europe.

The project addresses the most important objectives of the Farm2Fork Strategy by promoting the short chain model (SFSC) as a more sustainable alternative for the empowerment of producers and consumers within globalised food systems, while reducing the environmental footprint and improving the competitiveness of the agri-food system.

The EU4Advice project has been funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe programme.

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