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DANCING HISTOR(Y)IES is a European project funded through the CREATIVE EUROPE programme, which runs from April 2023 to March 2026 and involves 14 entities of different typologies (institutional, artistic and technical) from 12 different countries. The overall objective of the project is focused on the promotion of archaeological sites through the performing arts, and aims to link local communities and their heritage through dance.

Among the different activities to be carried out, there are study visits that the artistic partners must carry out to the archaeological sites selected to develop the DH Festival throughout 2024 and 2025. The aim of these visits is to generate the opportunity for visitors to learn in situ about the characteristics of the archaeological sites, their history and relationship with the local communities, so that they can be inspired to create their future artistic proposals, taking into account the potential and limitations of the heritage sites.

On 28 and 29 July 2023, a study visit to Mérida took place, hosted by the Consortium Board of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida. On behalf of the visiting partners, representatives of the following entities  have participated:  Polish Dance Theatre (Poland), 420 People (Czech Republic), Mapa das Ideias (Portugal). The agenda of the visit has included working meetings with public entities, support technicians and local associations, visits to archaeological sites and attendance to performances of the Festival de Mérida. Innogestiona Ambiental has supported the preparation and development of the study visit, according to the technical assistance service contracted with the Consortium of the International Classical Theatre Festival.

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