During September 13 and 14, 2023, a second study visit to Mérida was held, with the Consortium Board of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida acting as host partner. Two dance companies have participated on this visit: Art Link Fundation/Serida Dance (Bulgaria) and Aloni & Brummer Productions AB/ Il Dance (Sweden).
Similarly, to what was developed in July, September agenda has included a visit to archaeological spaces in Mérida, work meetings with public entities, local associations and artistic groups having potential to collaborate or support the future dancing performances. The two days visit has been a valuable opportunity for the visitors to understand the existing local resources as well as to understand local inspiring socio-cultural aspects for the creation of their future dance productions.
Innogestiona Ambiental has supported the preparation and development of the study visit, according to the technical assistance service contracted with the Mérida Theater Festival Consortium.