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The project LIFE14 ENV/ES/000688 – LIFE ICIRBUS-4INDUSTRIES has been one of the 20 projects selected to participate in the LIFE ex-post study on Circular Economy. In order for the project to participate in this study, the consortium has worked during the month of November in a coordinated way to communicate the actions that have been carried out after the end of the project according to the After-Life plan.

The purpose of an ex-post mission is to assess the real environmental, sectoral, economic and political impacts achieved by the project after LIFE, as well as to extract useful lessons learned in relation to the Circular Economy that can help the design of the future LIFE instrument and provide input to the reference documents.

In this way, a face-to-face meeting was held on 27th November at the facilities of the National Agri-Food Technology Centre of Extremadura (CTAEX) in which the project partners and the monitor assigned by the LIFE programme participated. In this meeting, the consortium transmitted in a coordinated manner the information required by the European Commission in relation to the impact of the project during the After-Life period and a visit was made to the Lobón WWTP to show the filtration prototype designed and validated during the project.

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