(01/09/2019-31/12/2022) Budget: 294.479,00 €
The project will involve cultural operators, audio describers, audio translators and audio description service providers; subtitlers, translators in signs language and similar services providers; deaf and hearing impaired people (targeted audience); blind and visually impaired people (targeted audience); policy-makers; media and journalists; general public & and communities.
Specific Objectives include:
– to share good practices for Inclusive Theatre between experts through formal and non formal training activities;
– to mainstream and scale-up accessible theatres in countries where support services for visually and hearing impaired persons are provided
– to test and validate pilot actions for inclusive services in theatres of six countries
– to develop and deploy a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign about the needs of visually and/or hearing impaired persons in theatres, stimulating inclusive policies and community engagement
– to disseminate the project’s findings and the EU support to its implementation, ensuring a long-term sustainability.
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Edificio de negocios Guadiana · C/ Santarén, 4 · Oficina 2A · 06011 · Badajoz