Landscape fire

Programme: Life


(01/07/2019-30/06/2023) Budget: 2.377.698,00

The main objective of the European project LIFE LANDSCAPE FIRE : New Methodologies for Forest Fire Prevention, is to develop an effective fire prevention procedure in Viseu Do Lafes (Portugal) and in Sierra de Gata, Las Hurdes and Sierra de San Pedro occidental (Spain).

This will indirectly reduce the environmental, social and economic impact of forest fires, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and reduce biodiversity loss.

The project will also contribute to a number of EU policies and legislation, including: the Forestry Strategy; the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe; the Circular Economy Action Plan; the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection; the Biodiversity Strategy; and the Habitats and Birds Directives.

To this end, a series of pilot actions will be carried out, based on a methodology successfully implemented elsewhere (in Andalusia and Catalonia). This methodology combines prescribed fire and grazing techniques to reduce forest fuel, converting fire-prone forests into more resilient areas.

The actions to be developed to prevent forest fires are related to the use of controlled fire, silvopastoralism, control of invasive species, biodiversity conservation, increasing forest resilience, training of decision-makers on the benefits of prevention, as well as the identification of a set of options and local adaptation measures that allow identifying and proposing actions to reduce the current and future territorial vulnerability of the regions where the project is implemented.

The entities participating in the project, which runs from 2019 to 2022, are the Comunidade Intermunicipal Viseu do Lafes, the University of Extremadura, the Mancomunidad Integral Sierra de San Pedro, the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu and the Junta de Extremadura through the Dirección General de Medio Ambiente de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas Agrarias y Territorio.



Innogestiona Ambiental participates as external assistance in the project in charge of carrying out the socio-economic impact study of the project.




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