Tender: JS230065-Servicio de investigación y elaboración de un plan de salvaguarda para la transhumancia en España y de su patrimonio cultural inmaterial asociado. Ministry of Culture

(14/02/2024 – 13/02/2025)

Transhumance is a phenomenon of representative value and identity with manifestations in the intangible cultural heritage in a large part of Spain. But it is also a living heritage that, even today, involves a multitude of livestock herds throughout the various territories of the State, especially through short and medium distance routes (transhumance), but also long distance, connecting the main ports and ends of the country. According to data from the association Trashumancia y Naturaleza, between 1993 and 2022, 448 livestock herds and 536,000 head of cattle were moved along 140,080 km of livestock trails in long-distance transhumance, dispersing 201 million seeds during these transhumances. The living nature of transhumance is an opportunity to fulfil the objective of achieving the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage linked to this immemorial practice. But it is also a methodological challenge to carry out any initiative that involves the recognition and recording of knowledge, know-how and activities related to pastoral and transhumance culture, given its dynamic and still changing nature.

The process of identification, registration and inventory of intangible cultural heritage linked to transhumance requires the application of a participatory methodology capable of reaching a representative part of the communities and social groups involved in its safeguarding and continuity. This is a very diverse group of actors that involves not only the livestock and transhumance activity (livestock farmers, shepherds and their families), but also a wide social network of social, political, administrative, productive, environmental and cultural interest groups.

Transhumance is essential for the ecological corridors and ecosystems of the south and north of the Iberian Peninsula, and vital for the 10,000 families that depend on it. Adaptation to climate change, population fixation in rural environments, diversification of the economy or sustainable management of natural resources, are some of the elements that define transhumance; an activity declared “Representative Manifestation of Intangible Cultural Heritage” in Spain since 2017, and proposed to UNESCO – through the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport for inclusion in the Intangible Heritage of Humanity list, as a symbol of a way of life that is expressed through a sustainable relationship between humans and nature.

The safeguarding plan will constitute a tool for the management, safeguarding, dissemination and enhancement of Transhumance, declared by Royal Decree 385/2017, of 8 April, as a Representative Manifestation of Intangible Cultural Heritage.


We want to make a Safeguarding Plan for Transhumance that takes into account the real problems of its users.

Please, if you are a shepherd, complete the following survey.

Available languages: Spanish, Catalan, Basque and Galician.


If you have a direct/indirect relationship with transhumance, you can express your opinion in the following form.

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Edificio de negocios Guadiana · C/ Santarén, 4 · Oficina 2A · 06011 · Badajoz

+34 924 207 517


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