Programme: Interreg Europe

Sustainable approach to cultural Heritage for the urban Areas Requalification in Europe

(01/06/2017-31/12/2020) Budget: 1.779.460,00


Interreg Europe project dealing with a sustainable approach to cultural Heritage for the urban Areas Requalification in Europe

The importance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage assets to the identity and sense of community has been well-established, and it is often a driver of economic development as well. When SHARE was conceived, the problems associated with urban cultural heritage sites were often related to over-tourism. The partners originally expected to study policy improvements to keep monuments accessible while reducing pressure of too many visitors, and aiming at sensibly balancing the sometimes-conflicting interests of residents, businesses and tourism.

The pandemic has imposed a drastic change in how people spend their work and free time and to the very role of the city, which has lost some of its appeal as a magnet for labour, capital and creativity and has been progressively depopulated, both from residents seeking safety in rural areas and commuters, forced to work at home.

Overall Objective: SHARE aims at exchanging experiences in cultural heritage policies in urban settings, in order to identify best practices and innovative methods to develop a sustainable and smart approach to its management and use.


  • City of Sibenik  (Croatia)
  • Sviluppumbria Spa (Italy)
  • Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain)
  • NorthEast Regional Devolpment Agency (Romania)
  •  University of Greenwich  (UK)
  • Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Ltd. (Hungary)


Innogestiona is acting as contracted support services by the Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) for the entire project development.

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