
Programme: H2020


(01/09/2018-31/08/2021) Budget: 5.998.373,75


SHFS – Short Food Supply Chains – offer great potential to meet some of the main needs of farmers, producers and consumers. Short food supply chains have a number of advantages compared to conventional long chains, such as the short distance between the point of production and the point of consumption, access to locally produced food from known farmers and producers, and support for the local economy.

The 46 SMARTCHAIN partners from 11 European countries worked for 3 years to promote and support the shift towards collaborative CFSQS. Scientists, CFSC practitioners and other experts from different fields joined forces in this European initiative.



The EU rural development regulation (1305/2013) defines a “short supply chain” as a supply chain involving a limited number of economic operators, committed to cooperation, local economic development and close geographical and social relations between producers, processors and consumers of food.



SMARTCHAIN partners have launched an innovation platform to facilitate and provide relevant information, innovative solutions and knowledge transfer among practitioners in order to improve the field of CFSCs. The SMARTCHAIN guide is available on the platform in 9 languages: English, French, German, Greek, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian, Serbian, Spanish and Hungarian.

The SMARTCHAIN innovation platform, one of the main results of the project, will remain accessible to the public thanks to the award of five new Horizon 2020 projects (CO-FRESH – in which Innogestiona, FAIRCHAIN, PLOUTOS and LOWINFOOD also participate).

These projects will continue to use and keep the platform updated with information, additional innovations and new results over the coming years. An overview of the different contents and materials that the project partners share on this platform can be found in the SMARTCHAIN guide.

The SMARTCHAIN Innovation Platform facilitates knowledge, innovative practical solutions and know-how transfer. In particular, the Platform aims to

  • Generate, share and use information on innovations for the sector;
  • Engage stakeholders in the CCSA sector;
  • Disseminate CFSC innovation and cooperation events;
  • Organise training activities and generate training material on best practices in innovation;
  • Build an international community through a short food supply chain game.

Our work in the SMARTCHAIN project

– Impact assessment, including a roadmap to maximise long-term results.

– Comprehensive sustainability assessment (led by Agroscope, Switzerland) + analysis of CCSA’s environmental and socio-economic sustainability.

– Business and policy recommendations (led by AZTI Spain)

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Our main contribution to the project

Roadmap for the adaptation of the EU regulatory framework to SFSCs

In the framework of the project’s long-term impact study (work package 9), Innogestiona has elaborated a detailed roadmap with future perspectives on CFSCs, policy recommendations and a detailed pathway for the transition towards a fairer and more sustainable local food production model, highlighting the importance of farmers and consumers in the current context.


Innogestiona Ambiental has had as main responsibility the impact assessment of the project, which includes the development of a roadmap in order to maximise the impact of its results and conclusions in the long term. On the other hand, we have had an active participation in the Work Package (WP) 5 Integrative susteinability assessment, dedicated to the analysis of the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of SWCs, led by Agroscope (Switzerland).

Our contributions in this WP5 have focused mainly on the more qualitative aspects of socio-economic sustainability, gathering the perceptions of producers in nine European countries on their motivations for engaging in this type of business model, and the benefits they obtain at personal (self-esteem, quality of life, interest in work, empowerment, etc.), social (community integration, relationship with customers, social recognition, etc.), and commercial/economic (prices and wages, business resilience, etc.) levels.

We have also participated in WP7 Business and policy recommendations led by AZTI (Spain) elaborating these policy and business model recommendations.

Our involvement in the different actions of the project, our own data collection (questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, literature, etc.) and our collaboration with the other WP and partners, has provided us with the information and space for reflection to define what is really needed to create the conditions in which CCSAs can develop in an optimal and sustainable way, in order to elaborate the Roadmap of the project, which aims to maximise the impact of the project and make its recommendations as concrete as possible.

This Roadmap provides an initial contextualisation of the starting situation based on data, followed by a SWOT analysis and a subsequent focus on the barriers and problems hindering the development and sustainability (environmental, social and economic) of SWCCAs. These difficulties correspond to concrete needs, which in turn are translated into recommendations for both economic actors in the sector and policy-makers. The ultimate aim of the Roadmap is to put these recommendations in perspective with the current political-legal context (key strategies, policies and regulations) and, within this framework, to propose a series of policy instruments to implement them.



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Edificio de negocios Guadiana · C/ Santarén, 4 · Oficina 2A · 06011 · Badajoz

+34 924 207 517


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