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Organizations the SCALE SME project consortium, working to improve training and networking opportunities in the cultural and creative industries, held today a coordination meeting with the aim of reviewing the status of the tasks assigned to each partner, agreeing on the action plan for the rest of the project and reviewing the development of the project in terms of reports and documentation.

Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership

The Scale SMEs project, co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme, works on the development of training tools and resources aimed at freelancers and SMEs in the cultural and creative industries (CCI), with the aim of improving their competences and skills, as a way to boost new business opportunities and, therefore, increase their competitiveness. The consortium is made up of technology, training, innovation and cultural project management specialized organisations from Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece.

The project coordinator organization, ENTER (Croatia), has shared the current status of the documentation required for the reporting, encouraging partners to keep on following the proposed schedule for the proper development of the project, which is entering its most intense phase in terms of validation of results and implementation of the training and networking platform.

Tools and resources for cultural and creative industries

In the coordination meeting held today 17th November 2021, Innogestiona Ambiental has presented the progress in the development of one of the main results of this project: a set of tools and specific resources to promote competitiveness and business opportunities in the cultural and creative industries. Innogestiona has also shared an initial proposal for an Action Plan for the development of the project, which has been supported by all project partners.

Training and networking platform

During the meeting, Romagna Tech presented a first version of what will be the future SCALE SME training and networking platform, another of the main results of the project, based on the latest version of the Moodle platform, where contents, resources and tools identified and adapted for professionals in the cultural and creative sector, will be uploaded with the aim of not only offering current solutions to improve their knowledge and skills, but also to connect with other professionals in the sector and explore options to improve their competitiveness. During the presentation, Romagna Tech also presented the more operational, management and maintenance details of the platform.

The meeting ended with the motivation to finally organize a face to face meeting in the near future.