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On February 9 (2022), a group of professionals belonging to regional entities related to heritage and tourism management met at the headquarters of the Badajoz Provincial Council. The mission of this working group, with a claim to continuity and stability, will be to provide non-binding technical recommendations and guidance, based on its knowledge and experience, to the competent regional entities in the management of ERDF funds applied to regional heritage.

The participants invited to the meeting were, José Javier Cano (Centre for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets of the Junta de Extremadura); Pilar Mogollón and José Julio García (Heritage and Art Research Group, University of Extremadura); Juan José Rodríguez García (Digital Agenda of Extremadura); Gema Morales (Cáceres Provincial Council Tourism Promotion Service); Jaime Gragera (Tourism and Digital Transition Area, Diputación Badajoz).

After the welcome to the participants by Jaime Gragera, on behalf of the Diputación de Badajoz (host and partner of the Innocastle project), Patricia Mora (director of Innogestiona Ambiental, external support to the project) recalled the project background, objective and working methodology.


This first meeting, as part of the Innocastle action plan, served to learn about the motivation and professional relationship of the participants with the recovery of heritage. It also helped to identify some issues to address at the next working meeting: current situation of regional inventories of heritage assets, both public and private, and the definition of the most vulnerable typology of regional heritage assets.

Heading pic: Eduardo Maya, 2022

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