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The Life Scrubsnet project reached an important milestone in Evora, marked by two days of intense discussions and progress updates. The event was hosted by the University of Évora and highlighted the commitment of project partners and stakeholders to the conservation and restoration of scrublands and Quercus.

On the first day we visited the Terra de Freiras pilot farm, where we saw the impressive structures designed to protect bushland and Quercus. We also learned about the efforts made to enhance the local fauna and establish a naturalised livestock pond.

Innogestiona ambiental, as the coordinating entity of the project, organised the coordination meeting where a detailed presentation was given summarising the actions that have been carried out to date and those planned for the coming months.

The day began with a general presentation of the project by INNOGESTIONA, highlighting its achievements and milestones. ECOHABITAT and EXVER shared their successful initiatives in conservation and restoration of shrub and Quercus areas.

In the afternoon session, the focus was on Action D, which aimed to assess the environmental impact of the project on species, soil health and habitat diseases. Experts from JUNTAEX, SEO, IRNAS-CSIC, CSIC and ICTIOS Consulting presented their methodologies and conclusions, covering indicators for birds, soil and health, pollinators, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Their comprehensive assessments reaffirmed the project’s commitment to holistic monitoring and ecological preservation.

INNOGESTIONA then provided an overview of KPI monitoring and ongoing efforts to ensure replicability, transferability and policy improvement.

Finally, the importance of dissemination and awareness raising activities, which promote collaboration and knowledge sharing, as well as project management and governance, was highlighted.

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